Arnon Rafael Louiv on the power of Women and whether She can make a Man great or lead Him to perdition…

February 26, 2018 at 22:10 | Posted in Articles by Arnon Louiv | Leave a comment

So the story goes that behind every great man stands a great woman. However, I dare to say that a woman can make a man great and take him to paradise and success, or she can lead him to ruins. The blaming game goes ’round and round’ since the beginning.

In the book of Genesis, after the woman was deceived in paradise, the man said to God: “The woman you put here with me — she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” The man first blamed God, then the woman, in response the woman blamed a third being, and the circle of blame and excuses was born. In the end God had to swallow the whole blaming game because He had no one else to blame since he created all the accused and accusers alike.


Also in the Bible, vis-à-vis the same passage above, pay close attention to what is written in the book of Ecclesiastes: “I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.”

Of course, on the other hand in the book of Proverbs, here comes the great woman that stands by a man: “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”

And in the Songs of Solomon, also in the Bible, this is also written about the great and wise woman, this time around about her sensual side: “Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my woman; milk and honey are under your tongue.” And the wise woman said to her man: “I arose to open to my beloved.” 

God said in the beginning “It is not good for a man to be alone.” But the choices are not that easy because, first of all, God can not physically choose someone for anyone, and for better or for worse, there is always that other third being which man failed to see when communicating with God, but the woman knew what she was talking about from the beginning.

And I ask: could God be a woman?


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